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Let’s face the regulation in 2020!

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Last year, we ordered the most comprehensive study of the Finnish Fintech landscape so far from Deloitte together with Helsinki Business Hub. Read more and download the Finland as a FinTech Hub whitepaper here. This study gives us a fact-based understanding of the Finnish fintech landscape and the supporting ecosystem as well as key recommendations for the strategy determining how to make Finland an internationally recognized fintech hub.

One of the key findings of the study was that start up fintech companies find regulatory issues challenging. They are often lacking capability and would need support to handle these issues. At the same time, established players have solid legal and compliance knowledge and resources, but experts in this area may not have insight on innovations and new business models.

In order to support our members to navigate through the rough seas of regulatory, compliance and risk management and while networking, to have an eye on what is happening in the field, Fintech Finland arranges a series of seminars focusing on building regulatory capabilities this spring.

The first seminar is organized together with the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, the FIN-FSA and will be held already on the 3rd of Feb at Maria 01. This seminar will give a view of the Supervisor to regulatory issues, but we won’t forget interesting company presentations either. Please, find more information (in Finnish) on the event here.

In the second seminar, we will have a chance to hear viewpoints from legal and compliance experts from start ups and established players as well as law firms. In this event, you will also have a chance to propose your regulatory questions to these people in the speed dating session. The seminar will be held on the 26th of Feb. You will soon find more information here.

In March-April we will arrange seminars concentrating on data security and IPR issues. More information on these events will be published in the following weeks.

Remember, that nowadays anyone can order our external newsletter on our website, so feel free to spread the word about this to anyone who might be interested, and don’t forget to follow also our social media channels in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to stay ahead of the Finnish fintech game!

We are hoping to see you soon in some of our events!

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